Monday, August 4, 2014


I read this book when I was 12 and I could honestly say that this is the book that started the reading itch. This is an insanely beautiful piece of art that became a big part of my life. 

This story is about our protagonist Percy Jackson who's a troubled 12 year old kid who starts seeing and hearing mythical creatures in real life. He thinks it's just some sort of illusion or a side effect of his dyslexia and ADHD; but, that was until he discovered he's a son of an Olympian god. But life doesn't seem to care about that because he's angered a few of the gods. Zeus to be exact. His master lightning bolt has been stolen and Percy is the prime suspect. Now he and his friends embark on a quest to bring back peace to a warring Mount Olympus "But to succeed on his quest, Percy will have to do more than catch the true thief: he must come to terms with the father who abandoned him; solve the riddle of the oracle, which warns him of a betrayal by a friend; and unravel a treachery more powerful than the gods themselves."

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That's the end of the non-spoiler section! So go read the book if you haven't already, it's an easy read but it's filled with so much life so go read it. Go

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As I reread this book and I just realized Percy is really, really funny. The way he narrates is beautiful. It's perfect for readers of all ages. He thinks like how a hyperactive 12 year old would (Props to Rick Riordan). Percy's been in six schools for the last six years like, damn son, I can't believe he blew up school bus. But he's managed to survived all threats thrown to him until a minotaur happened.

Percy then woke up to Camp Half-Blood, a safe haven for the sons and daughters of Greek gods and goddesses. And it just keeps on going downhill from there, his mother isn't really dead; but, in the underworld, he finds his Latin teacher to be a centaur, he pisses off an already pissed god of wine, he discovers that his friend, Grover, is a satyr, causes trouble in camp, gets attacked by a hellhound, discovers his father is Poseidon and gets offered a 10 day quest to travel West and find the missing lightning bolt and have it returned to Mt. Olympus. Easy? Hella no! And yet Percy 12 year old son of Poseidon Jackson managed to do all of these and is still alive.

Okay so let's talk about how many times Percy "almost died". Okay let's see, he managed to slice through a Fury, killed a minotaur with no bull-fighting experience whatsoever, survived a hellhound, manged to escape from the three Furies, out-smarted the Medusa, jumped off from the top of the St. Louis Arch to escape from Echidna and her son the Chimera, survived an argument with the god of war, got out from the Lotus Casino, didn't get stretched to death  by Procrustes,  went to the Underworld and back, survived a full-on fight with the god of war and survived a deadly scorpion bite. This is more adventure than any 12 year old has ever had or even dreamed of.

Prophecy Explanation time!

You shall go west, and face the god who has turned.
You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned.
You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend.
And shall fail to save what matters most, in the end.

Percy Annabeth and Grover went West in hopes to apprehend Hades but actually, the god who has turned was Ares. Well he is the god of war. He himself said that the best kind of war is between relatives; "Best kind of war. Always the bloodiest." Percy found both the master lightning bolt and the helm of darkness and safely returned them to their respective godly owners, no thanks to Ares. I never and I repeat, never expected Luke Castellan to be the friend who betrayed him. He was in league with Kronos this whole time. When I fist read that, I had a serious fit because I really did love Luke a lot. And what Percy failed to save was his mother. No, Sally Jackson didn't die. Percy failed to save her because he allowed her to save herself leaving Medusa's head with her so she can use it on her horrible husband, Gabe Ugliano, which she did.

All was well by the end of the book but trust me, the ending makes you want to crave for more. This is a beautiful 5-book series that'll make you laugh and cry so hard you'll be rethinking your own life.

Life doesn't really seem to happen in the way that we want it to. It doesn't matter what your social status is, adult, teen, kid or demigod, it's about how you live your life. Percy wouldn't have restored that temporary peace with Olympus if he chose to be scared and let others do it for him. This book taught me to be brave and selfless and to make the right decisions in life. No matter how young you are, you can make a change, let this book be an inspiration especially to the children and teens in today's generation.

I'd rate this book a 5/5 because it's perfect. Perfect. I wouldn't be reading anything if I hadn't bought this book. Rick Riordan's writing is humorous and full of life and is sure to make your reading experience beautiful and out-of-this-world.

I'll be rating The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth and The Last Olympian later these few weeks. Go read the books! xo

 Snack of the read: A nice hot mug of instant dark cocoa (: 

Dark cocoa is slightly healthier than regular cocoa and it hits the spot when your reminiscing the memories on the book that started it all. Make your own mug and feel good about something. ilysm x

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