Saturday, November 15, 2014



Heather, Heather, Heather and Veronica. Four very popular girls caught in society. Veronica who always seems to be the odd one out, in truth, actually despises the Heathers' cruel ways. Now when she meets Jason Dean, mysterious and handsome, life for Veronica seemed to be going up and down at the same time. The duo hates how society and hierarchy in the school and society work and to get rid of that, Jason Dean comes up with a plan; kill all the popular kids.


Okay so I never really expected to watch an 80's dark comedy but my good friend recommended it, go check out her blog! When you just expect yourself to not even crack a smile, you'll end up laughing out loud in this movie. I knew that I shouldn't have laughed as much but wow this was a great movie! The actors were amazing and I really got a sense of the 80's in this movie.

This movie didn't just stir up some laughter inside, it also stirred up a lot of on how society works. I specifically like the quote, "Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling." This just speaks so well that the world is at constant war with itself and what can we do but adapt and change. Change is hard, yes. But in the long run, it's inevitable. And at the end of the day, you'll still live.

I really love the end part when Jason asks Veronica, "Now that you're dead, what are you gonna do with your life?" And Veronica just so casually puts a cigarette to her lips as if to say that she'll live it to the fullest with a strut in her walk, sway in her hips, and a cigarette on her lips.

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